What we offer

Video courses based on extensive experience at huge companies

  • Video Masterclasses

    Masterclass courses on all aspects of leadership, people management, productivity & delivery.

  • Complete & Practical Advice

    Practical advice based on 20+ years of corporate experience at some of the biggest companies in the world. Advice that works, with real examples.

  • For Newbies & Leaders Alike

    Whether you're early in your career, an up-and-coming professional, or an experienced leader, our courses feature practical and actionable advice that you can use immediately.

Paul Banoub

I'm Paul - a technologist, people manager, blogger, YouTuber, public speaker & productivity enthusiast! I have over 20 years experience as a people manager and leader at some of the world's biggest companies. I've led teams large and small. spoken at international conferences and delivered for high-pressure clients. I'm dedicated to productivity, leadership & helping you evolve yourself and your teams.

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